Shipping Description 1

The cake is vacuum-packed in the freezer, and will be delivered on the day of your order in the form of frozen home delivery of Black Cat Delivery Service, and will be delivered the next day. Due to the high cost of frozen TA-Q-BIN, if you order more than 2 boxes of cakes, He Qi Nourishing will help you subsidize part of the cost of TA-Q-BIN as follows. If you order more than 8 boxes of cakes at one time, we will waive the shipping fee (including cash on delivery).

Taiwan main island

number of cakes 1 box 2-4 boxes 5-7 boxes 8 boxes or more
Black Cat Frozen Home Delivery Fee 160 160 225 225+
Home Delivery Subsidy 0 60 100 225+
Home delivery fee (after subsidy) 160 100 125
free shipping

outer island

number of cakes 1 box 2-4 boxes 5-7 boxes 8 boxes or more
Black Cat Frozen Home Delivery Fee 260 260 340 340+
Home Delivery Subsidy 0 60 100 225+
Home delivery fee (after subsidy) 260 200 240

1. The above-mentioned home delivery fee subsidy is limited to shipments to the same address.
2. If the home delivery on an outer island exceeds 8 boxes, the subsidy amount will be calculated based on the home delivery fee of the same number of boxes on this island.
3. If cash on delivery is adopted, Black Cat Express will charge the following service fees according to the amount received:

Payment amount cash on delivery fee
Below RMB 2,000 40 yuan
2,001 ~ 5,000 yuan 70 yuan