Production of the day: Roselle Custard Yogurt Ice Cream with No Added Sugar
Production of the day: Roselle Custard Yogurt Ice Cream with No Added Sugar
100ml C98 P2 F1 S6

It is the production season of Taitung roselle and custard tree again. The sour aroma of roselle with similar terroir conditions and the sweetness of custard are extraordinarily elegant and refreshing!
#Roselle Ice Cream #Shijia ice cream #sugar free ice cream #low gi ice cream #keto ice cream #low sugar ice cream #low carb ice cream #diabetes ice cream #Luoshen Sakyamuni #yogurt ice cream #sugarfree #frozenyogurt #nosugaradded #roselleflower #custardapple #Taichung Ice Cream #westside ice cream
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